Compensation was provided by Skinny Cow via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Skinny Cow.
Hey guys! So in case you were wondering, Skinny Cow is a really cool dessert company that makes low calorie snacks, and desserts. I've always been a fan of ice cream, and I remember the first time I had tried Skinny Cow was last year, when I picked up some of their ice cream sandwiches. Seriously all of their products are amazing, and I like how they are low calorie so I don't feel so guilty eating one after a long day!
How amazingly good does this ice cream look? I love eating this ice cream bar after a long day of work! After sitting on the computer for a total of 8+ hours a day, the thing I want to do after work is sit down to relax, watch some TV, and eat something decadent!

Psssst... Skinny Cow wants to let you in on a little secret. You and your friends are invited to a free one-night-only Skinny Cow speakeasy soirée in Los Angeles on June 11 from 5-10pm at The Edison.
You can RSVP on their Facebook event page here! And the best part of this speakeasy event? It's FREE! So come out and maybe I'll be doing some makeup tutorials on some lucky girls! This event is dress to impress, so break out that little black dress!
Thanks to Skinny Cow® Ice Cream Bars, Creamy Iced Coffee and Candy, our secrets can all be
a little sweeter. Follow Skinny Cow at:
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